Film opening Research Wild Things (1998) Mystery: How many titles are displayed during the opening sequences to the film? There is one main title displayed before the cast names. "Wild Things" was the title. However, the entirety of the opening scene is a listing of the actors and actresses names. What images are prioritized in the opening sequence? Images of nature and wildlife, namely the Everglades What connotations do the images carry? Rather than carrying peaceful messages of nature and all of its beauty, the director aims in capturing the wild side of the animals. For example, when the title is displayed, an alligator, the Everglade's ecosystem's apex predator, is shown in the background. This may foreshadow that there is an apex predator within the movie. After this, a large flock of birds is seen scattering everywhere and digetic sounds of the birds can be heard over the wild nondigetic music. This may be attempting to indicate nature is unruly...