5 Master Edits with Sound

5 Master Edits with Sound

For our contrast video, we wanted to really display the difference in character, as it matches our movements. So, we used an upbeat song to pair with my actions, and crickets to pair with Astrid's action. The use of film music  helps create an even more stark contrast than before. Viewers can get the impression that I am a very active student athlete, and Astrid is a sleepy student. The pairing of the sound with each character's respective physical movements brings about a more clear contrast. 
The next video is parallelism, with Astrid throwing trash and then I pick it up. The parallel theme drawn is the trash. To better portray the school setting, we used digetic sound. More specifically, the off-screen sound of the school bell and the students and teachers talking in the background sharpens the scene and allows viewers to understand where we are. Viewers can also collectively make assumptions about the type of students we are, (sloppy or neat) which can add to the character and plot development of the scene. We can bring about several different emotions form the sound within this scene. The first emotion is reminiscence. Viewers can remember high school and what it sounded like, with the school bell and the hundreds of students talking at once, it can sound a little chaotic. Another emotion can be from viewing. The trash being thrown down, which actually DOES happen in school, can make viewers upset and make a notion about teenagers being sloppy as a whole. However, when I pick up the trash, viewers can feel better knowing that some teens do care about the way the school looks and have pride in the school's image. 
 Our next clip is of an airplane up above in the sky going by, and Astrid far down below on Earth looking up and waving. We decided to use Postsynchronization Dubbing to make the scene more realistic. Unfortunately, we did not have a real airplane in the shot, which makes the scene more difficult to imagine. However, using the airplane noise makes the video flow better, and as the clip transitions into Astrid's point of view, it creates a sense of emotion that people can relate to; people look up to the sky and wave at airplanes all the time! This relates to the audience and their actions, and the wonder they may feel as to who is flying in the plane so high up above,and if they can see a human waving down below. This creates a sense of awe that the viewers have felt before, which may allow them to relate to Astrid as a character more so than before. 
In this clip, we bring out the symbol of our school; the Trojan! We wanted to add a form of Nonsimultaneous sound, combined with film music, to illustrate the Trojan war and noise of people fighting, and then a heroic victory song as we embody the Trojan character as a whole by filming the statue. This brings about pride and also an interesting take as viewers can use their imagination to picture the scene of the Trojan war happening as they hear the noises, despite it not being presented on screen before them. The emotions people can feel by this added sound are pride and excitement. Furthermore, the allusion to the Game Of Thrones theme song is a sort of a victory song because there were many successful battles won in the Game of Thrones show. 
Leit Motif

The final clip is of leit motif. The repetition of Astrid's hot headed character brings about a sense of remembrance and predictability each time she walks up to another person. The viewers know that the repetition of Astrid hitting the wall, then hitting Zoe, then stomping her foot in frustration, then hitting me, that the next person she were to go up to she would most likely hit them too! In other words,we aimed to exaggerate her actions and "loose cannon" character by the use of voice over and sound bridge. The combination of digetic and nondigetic sound editing brings more complex element to this clip. We wanted to bring out some humor with the exaggeration of Astrid's character. For example, we used her thoughts to explain the reason for her actions, then as she hit Zoe, the non digetic sound bridge, of the WWE fighter John Cena's wrestling intro song brings out her fighting character. The digetic sound bridge also serves to divide Astrid hitting someone to a transition into the next scene. Most people might think about Leit Motif as an allusion of sound from another famous movie. But, we aimed to create our own sound repetition, by relating her thoughts to her actions, bringing about a humorous emotion within that by dubbing in the John Cena sound, when people see Astrid walking over to her next "victim" they can assume it won't be for good reason. 


  1. In your example of Leitmotif, the voice overs and dubbing of John Cena's jingle made the scene very entertaining and funny. By knowing what Astrid was thinking, I was able to understand her thoughts behind her actions which made it easy to follow and fun to watch.

  2. I liked the sound affect you added for the contrast example. I loved how you had crickets chirping while Astrid appeared to be sleeping. The sound affects allowed me to connect the scenes of the video and get a better understanding of what was happening in each scene.


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