The scene begins the opening credits with the Marvel logo. A voiceover is immediately presented with a dialogue exchange between a man and a woman, and the tone of their voice indicates that they seem distressed. They are discussing a dire situation at hand that the audience has not yet scene. Immediately following, simultaneity is shown in close up shots of a man in an airplane, and cross cutting to a woman who is sitting in what looks to be in a control room but a close up of her face shows that she knows she might be saying her final goodbyes to the man. This background scene establishes who the main characters of the story are, Agent carter and Steve, and their time period based on their clothing and the technology of both the airplane and the control room. The scene then fades out to black (fade out editing) suggesting to the viewers that this transition will go into a different scene. Next, an establishing shot of NYC displays the setting and time, which is dusk in the city, c...