Film Opening Brainstorm

AICE Films:
  • Close up shots
  • Action shots
  • Follow shots 
  • Two people
  • Use of social media (allusion)
  • Flashbacks in her dream
  • Kidnapped
  • ^ cuts between the two
  • At the end she wakes up, close up shot of her realizing she is in a confined space and she screams
Dear Lover
  • Establishing shot of setting
  • Voice over
  • Interview of future self she is talking to the camera
  • Close up shot of face
  • Extreme close up of handwriting
  • Flashbacks and flash forwards. 
Dare To Thrill
  • Begins with a shot of a group of people, appears that they are laughing and having a good time’
  • Energetic music plays
  • Text on screen gives audience a POV of what the kids are seeing on the phone
  • Close up of girl’s hand as she reaches for the key
  • Nondiegeic club music, upbeat
  • Follow shot of car
  • Low angle shot of kids as they open the trunk
Always Watching
  • Medium shot of two people talking, in a therapy setting
  • Flashback to male subject spending time with a friend
  • Close up of his face, making a creepy stare at the friend like he has malicious intent
  • Sound effects/music (nondiegetic) plays in the background, giving an eerie tone
  • Over the shoulder shot of friend looking away
  • Cuts back and forth from past to interview
The Blue Boar
  • Begins with a medium shot of two people walking, no real setting established
  • Digetic banter between what seems to be female relatives
  • Mise en scene: consumes (Amish), period themed discussion
  • “New to Salem” establishes place
  • Mystical sound effects play giving a sort of “dream like” effect
  • Close up of older women’s mouth, adds scolding or harsh effect
  • “Yes mother” establishes relationship
  • Tries to jump through the bush to add dramatic effect
  • Nondiegetic music continues to play 
  • Close up of girls feet walking without shoes, builds to rebellious nature of character
  • She begins to sing a song, uplifting, about hoe she can overcome adversity and be herself
  • musical
White coat
  • Pouring chemicals, smoke, like a chemistry lab, adds to the mystery of place
  • Kidnapping, smoke meant to confuse
  • Close up of chemist, flashes back and forth between characters
  • Nondigetic “time is ticking”/ metronome type music creates rhythm and builds suspense
  • Close up of chemists hand
  • Patent #0534 props add to mystery 
  • Viewing chemical reactions brings people in 
  • Girl sleeping, vulnerability 
  • Close up of girls face turning round t o face window
  • Nondiegetic music
  • Diegetic camera noise, sound effect (dubbed in but they are able to hear it)
  • Scene fades to black, resumes at school, high angle of girl sitting vulnerably in school hallway 
  • Opens note in pencil bag looks up at camera for dramatic effect, dramatic nondiegetic sound effect plays, leaving the audience to wonder what the note says but presume it says something along the lines of "I'm watching you”
  • Low angle shot of tree, establishes setting
  • Genre unknown? Left to guess it is drama
  • Observes close up of painting, old woman's face, and hand, cuts in between her now and her (envisioning herself) as a girl, as well as pictures of the past
  • Nondiegetic music, calm
Lost and found
  • Over the shoulder shot of a sketch then cuts to front facing shot of boy
  • diegetic rap music playing, assumed it is the music in the boys headphones possibly
  • Voice over subbing of boy
  • Begins walking away from camera
  • Dolly shot of boy walking on street, wonder where he is headed
  • Runs Into girl, switches POV to girl
  • Follow shot of girl
  • Voice over of girl, presumably reading her thoughts
  • Close up of hand opening computer
  • Reaction of girl “why won't it load” builds suspense,,, what won't load
  • Is this genre mystery? Drama? Hard to say because both build suspense 


Astrid and I learned from watching the different film openings that it is important to combine diegetic and nondiegetic noise to create suspense or to better play on emotion. We think that combining dialogue interaction between characters can revels mise en scene as well as information about the character and the plot. Song will be a pivotal role in our film opening to create the element of mystery. I also think many films, such as White Coat and Stalker, built an element of suspense using close up shots and low level (low key or three point) lighting. We would like to incorporate some follow shots into our film opening as well, like in Always Watching or even Rise. I think that this made viewers question where the subjects were going and why, helping create the element of suspense. Low angle shots, like in the trunk of the car in Dare to Thrill, helped create the final element of surprise and suspense because we could not see what they were scared of but we could see their reaction, making viewers subconsciously try to guess what could have been in the car, and also pulling viewers in to want to watch more of the movie to possibly find out what was in the car that the characters were so afraid of. If possibly to tie into our film opening, I would do the element of surprise at the end of my movie opening as well, to bring a final element of surprise and to help finalize the mysterious vibe of the movie. 


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