
Showing posts from 2019

My Film Opening Project

My partner is Astrid Nova. The genre we have chosen to do a film opening on is Mystery.

Film Opening Research 2

Twilight (2008) drama: How many titles are displayed during the opening sequences to the film? The title of the producer (company) is first displayed at 2:02, and at 2:06 the title "twilight" is displayed.  What images are prioritized in the opening sequence? the movie opens to a densely wooded forest, filled with thick shrubbery and fallen trees. An extreme close up of a deer's eye and zooming out to see the full deer by a pond gives the audience of the feeling that it is being watched. A point of view shot of a forest helps to give this effect. A follow shot of the small deer is displayed as if someone or something is running after it.  What connotations do the images carry? dark, anxious, and confused. Why is the deer running away frantically? Who or what is chasing it so quickly? How is genre reinforced through symbolic and technical codes from the outset? The lighting switches between three point at the beginning to high key at the end of the shot. ...

Film Opening Research 1

Film opening Research Wild Things (1998) Mystery: How many titles are displayed during the opening sequences to the film? There is one main title displayed before the cast names. "Wild Things" was the title. However, the entirety of the opening scene is a listing of the actors and actresses names.  What images are prioritized in the opening sequence? Images of nature and wildlife, namely the Everglades What connotations do the images carry? Rather than carrying peaceful messages of nature and all of its beauty, the director aims in capturing the wild side of the animals. For example, when the title is displayed, an alligator, the Everglade's ecosystem's apex predator, is shown in the background. This may foreshadow that there is an apex predator within the movie. After this, a large flock of birds is seen scattering everywhere and digetic sounds of the birds can be heard over the wild nondigetic music. This may be attempting to indicate nature is unruly...

Genre Research #2 - PowerPoint


My Favorite Genre: Mystery Video

My Favorite Genre- Powerpoint


Film Viewing Practice Essay "Agent Carter”

The scene begins the opening credits with the Marvel logo. A voiceover is immediately presented with a dialogue exchange between a man and a woman, and the tone of their voice indicates that they seem distressed. They are discussing a dire situation at hand that the audience has not yet scene. Immediately following, simultaneity is shown in close up shots of a man in an airplane, and cross cutting to a woman who is sitting in what looks to be in a control room but a close up of her face shows that she knows she might be saying her final goodbyes to the man. This background scene establishes who the main characters of the story are, Agent carter and Steve, and their time period based on their clothing and the technology of both the airplane and the control room. The scene then fades out to black (fade out editing) suggesting to the viewers that this transition will go into a different scene. Next, an establishing shot of NYC displays the setting and time, which is dusk in the city, c...

Film Elements Graphic Organizer



Analyzing Hand Maid's Tale for MISE-EN-SCENE I decided to comment on the Mise-en-scene of the show The Handmaid's Tale. This show is  a great example when needing to identify the elements of mise-en-scene because the show, despite taking place in the future, is seemingly dated and period themed. The main character, June, is very good at helping contribute to the overall emotion or mood of the show by her actions, and showing the actions of others in response to hers. I would highly recommend this show because despite it being an extreme situation, it may not be far off from what women in America used to have to face. I think the elements analyzed below are a perfect indicator as to why the show is so successful and popular among teens and adults today. Space: Frontality: I believe the space can often times be associated with frontality, or frontal space. This is because throughout Handmaid's Tail, June (Offred/ Ofjoseph) will look directly into the camera...

5 Master Edits with Sound

5 Master Edits with Sound Contrast For our contrast video, we wanted to really display the difference in character, as it matches our movements. So, we used an upbeat song to pair with my actions, and crickets to pair with Astrid's action. The use of film music  helps create an even more stark contrast than before. Viewers can get the impression that I am a very active student athlete, and Astrid is a sleepy student. The pairing of the sound with each character's respective physical movements brings about a more clear contrast.   Parallelism The next video is parallelism, with Astrid throwing trash and then I pick it up. The parallel theme drawn is the trash. To better portray the school setting, we used digetic sound. More specifically, the off-screen sound of the school bell and the students and teachers talking in the background sharpens the scene and allows viewers to understand where we are. V...

Identifying Master Edits in Film

The 5 Master Editing Techniques In Film Symbolism (Lion King): The clip from Lion King represents symbolism because Disney films often use the color lime green to symbolize evil or malice. For example, Scar beings to show his true intentions of becoming ruler and taking his brother (Mufasa)'s place by singing the song "Be Prepared". As we know from earlier in the movie, Scar killed Mufasa by pushing him off of a ledge and consequently scared Simba out of the pride land. The video reinforces the fact that Mufasa has evil intentions because of the green smoke which envelops him.  Parallelism (Moana): Moana has many great examples of parallelism, and the example I recorded is a very clear demonstration. The is parallelism shown as the song "Where You Are" progresses brings about the fact that as Moana gets older, she still wants to go to the water but is stuck in the same place doing her same duties. The parallel theme is that she still wants to go...

5 Master Edits

Astrid and Madison's 5 Master Edits 📷 Our first video is contrast. We decided to contrast different personalities of students for comedic effect. I pretended to be a sporty kid, running around the room, doing jumping jacks, and doing sit ups to portray my athletic ability and "try hard" mentality. We contrast this type of student with Astrid, who is acting as a lazy teen who just wants to sleep. Not much of her character is shown other than her desire to sleep on chairs and tables. This contrast of energetic to tired is clearly seen in the final shot where the two personalities are shown next to each other. The second video is parallelism. The first shot is of trash on a table, that other students had left behind. When I walk in I am seemingly unrelated to the scene. But, the parallelism I draw to the scene is that I see the trash and I pick it up. Then, I throw the trash away and sit down at the table. The parallel focus is the tras...

Review of Camera Angles in Love Island, Season 5

Love Island Season 5 and How Camera Angles Depict Emotion Love Island is a reality television show about people from the UK who are trying to find love. It is often times dramatic, playful, and upbeat. Different camera angle shots we learned about from the articles    Different Camera Angles Create Different Emotions  and  Use of Long Shots in Film  helped me understand how the producers use different shots to display these emotions.  The shot shown above is a locked- down shot. The Islander, Yewande, is looking at another person who is speaking to her as she eats her breakfast. The producer wants to show her reaction to what is being said, portraying the drama of the show. However, as locked down shots are, the subject seems unfazed by the activity going on before her. The shot could also be categorized as an eye level shot because we are seeing her above the shoulders. The viewer is meant to see Yewande's reaction as the focal point of the shot....

Week 3 Commentary on Classmates' Shots

These were my comments on Woody's blog: And this is what I posted to Zoe's blog: Different angled shots evoke different emotions. I learned this from the two articles, especially in the article titled: "How Different Camera Angles Create Different Emotions".  For example, on Woody's eye level shot I was able to apply the information I learned about the point of view a hand held shot provides. The shakiness of the camera displays human error and shows that Woody really does have a height advantage over Josh (his subject). Furthermore, in Zoe's posts, her establishing shot really set the mood of the hotel lobby by displaying all of the scenery for what it was. By giving an overall view, the viewer felt comfortable that they understood what was in the room and there was nothing suspenseful which would allow the imagination to wonder. I learned about setting the mood and bringing the audience in in the article "Use of Long Shots in Films". 

12 Videos

My experience with the cameo shot was easy because the halls outside of this classroom are a neutral shade, so it was not difficult to find a fitting background.  The choker shot was more difficult to film landscape because my hand wants to naturally place my hand in a vertical position when holding my phone. also, since it was a close up shot I was worried the top and bottom of Astrid's face would be cut out due to the narrowness of the frame.  The close shot was an easy film because from a distance, the waist up can be easily captured within the frame of the video. We decided to have a little fun with this hot, as well as some of the others! The close up shot, not to be confused with the close shot, is easy to film and can be filmed anywhere, meaning i did not have to be selective with my background. I like the closeness of this video, it makes the hand the focal point.  The dolly shot was more difficult to film smoothly because I was walking t...

First Post

I decided to take Aice Media studies because I am interested in learning about film and different techniques which go into making it. I am also excited to make my own film. I hope to learn about special effects as well as how to examine a piece of film for its production and quality.