Beginning To Film (Post 2)

We began filming with the green screen. It was confusing at first because we did not know how to transfer our video from our phone and upload it to Premiere Pro editing software but with the help of our teacher we figured it out. Then once we watched the video with the green screen background we realized that the lighting played a key role in the visibility of the background on the green screen. We had to refilm our original clip because our positioning impacted the quality of the background due to lighting issues. Much of this week was trial and error. We decided we liked using the green screen for the office scenes because it does help add a better sense of setting so we will continue to fine-tune our placement and editing skills.

 We were able to practice with different shots and techniques to display emotion during the practice filming of our interrogation scene. Zoe, the suspect, was filmed with an extreme close up on her eyes darting back and forth to display nervousness.
We also worked on the creation of the crime scene. This was fun because we had to think of a location that did not look like a school, so we filmed in the garden behind our school so the location is ambiguous. We did a variety of different clips, shots, and angles, to portray our knowledge of filming throughout our scenes. 


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